So a wise man once said, 'You can please some people all of the time and you can please all the people some of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time!' wow. so simplistic and yet w/o lacking profundity. so various people from my grandmother (whose opinion carries a heck of a lot of weight) to various friends remarks that i was even more removed from reality than they had originally thought and that i should write in english so they could understand; which leads me to another thought. people have been asking what is up with this eric's wall thing? well it's like this; eric is a friend of mine who is going to married in june of 2007; well, i want to have the bachelor party at my parents house b/c he is after all; the 'surrogate' son. so i am working on a project of expanding the patio area and doing a seating wall along the edge and my parents have pretty much given me the green light.
speaking of green lights there is a girl named jasmine who works with dan and the other night a bunch of indians had finished and were milling around to pay their check; well one of them had a gotten the 'special' gumball with a 'special' sticker on it that said such person would recieve a prize of $5; well, jasmine asked another waitress what she should do. to which i said something like 'don't be stingy, give him the $5!' to which she promptly responded, 'codo? estos arabes aqui son los codos que apenas me dan $1.25 por propina entre 5 personas!' and i laughed real hard and the group of indians looked at me like i was crazy and said what did she say? and without skipping a beat i replied, 'she said you all are stingy and you only left 1.25 for a tip.' to which jasmine says, no, no, no i didn't say that; i wasn't sure whether to tease jasmine for thinking they were arabs or the group of indians for only leaving jasmine 1.25!
so the wall is mix of three kinds of stone: concord thick (purple), southwest (pinks y magenta with streaks of white) and tennessee grey snapped; i'm not sure that anyone else would care, but for someone who gets more excited going to the stone yard or nursery than any shopping establishment i do.
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